John Fremont Fisher

John Fremont Fisher MD

About Book

This book is a compilation of experiences and thoughts from a husband, father, and grandfather who has been fortunate enough to fulfill two boyhood dreams: attend the University of Notre Dame and become a physician. A cradle Catholic educated by nuns through the 12th grade, the understanding of his faith began to mature on the Notre Dame campus. Teaching kids at a Catholic boys’ camp in the summers spawned a vocation in academic medicine of more than 40 years, teaching young doctors how to care for their fellow person. He didn’t truly appreciate his Catholic faith until he had a wife and family of his own to share it with. His hidden agenda as a physician has always been to bring himself, his family, his patients, and those who learned from him closer to God. He gives credit to Notre Dame (Our Lady), her university, and her relentless motherly influence for pointing him toward this goal.

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